Shaunel Williams
Shaunel Williams, better known as 'Shaunzey' of 15 Anna Street, Woodbrook, POS formerly of LP# 19 Ortoire Village, Mayaro died on Thursday 23rd May, 2019.
Wife of: Paul Williams
Daughter of: Alison Caliste and John Sampson
Sister of: Tracy, Keisha (dec), Keil, Kentphill, Clevon, Denisa, Stefan and Kelon
Daughter-in-Law of: Patricia Williams and Kurt Cordner
Granddaughter of: Clara the late Yvonne, Peterson and Autril.
The funeral service for the late Shaunel Williams, better known as 'Shaunzey', takes place at the house of mourning, LP #19 Ortoire Village, Mayaro on Saturday 1st June, 2019 at 2:00 pm, thence to New Lands Cemetery.
The body will repose at the house of mourning from 1:30 pm.
Enquiries can be made at Wight's Funeral Home 868.668.2453 or use our Contact Us page.